WASHINGTON, DC - AUGUST 01: Dr. Ben Carson attends the DC premiere of the film, "Death of a Nation," at E Street Cinema on August 1, 2018 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Shannon Finney/Getty Images)

HUD Wins Legal Case Allowing It To Dismantle A Key Housing Desegregation Rule

Reporter Danielle McLean recently wrote an article detailing how a federal judge dismissed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) which sought to force states and local governments to assess housing segregation patterns in their communities. The article does an excellent job of detailing how the Obama administration came up with a mandate called The Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) Rule with the intended goal of pushing HUD to better enforce The Fair Housing Act of 1968. With this new ruling, Secretary Ben Carson and his underlings will now be able to dismantle the AFFH rule and relieve some of the pressure that states had been feeling to address housing discrimination in their communities. After reading the article, be sure to catch up on the latest news from Danielle McLean by making sure that you’re connected to her via the social links listed below.

“Since the law was passed 50 years ago, HUD has not had an effective means for ensuring compliance with the Fair Housing Act.  This ruling means a failed system will continue. We are deeply concerned particularly since the court’s opinion acknowledges that the current system is flawed,”




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