Tanya Morgan – Be Right Back [EP]

With their Be Right Back EP, the Tanya Morgan duo successfully snatches a nice helping of creativity from the jaws of inactivity as it relates to this new post-COVID-19 reality. Don & Von offer listeners five head-nod inducing, sample-driven gems to vibe to as they continue to work on new jams. You can show your support by purchasing the EP from your favorite spot below as well as check out more from Tanya Morgan by visiting the links listed.

“Getting back to normal feels like a tall order these days but hopefully by the time we return things will have leveled off a bit. In the meantime, these songs are a reminder that we are all stuck in the house for a bit and wether you spend that time watching tv or writing a script the important thing is that you return to the world whole and happy. BRB” – Tanya Morgan

vibes – bumpin, cool out, lyrics to go, head-nod music, jazzy, sample-heavy, the lessondary, dope work, cipher sounds, straight from the crates


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( Amazon | Bandcamp | Deezer | Google Play | iTunes | Spotify | Tidal )



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