Mayne – Flow [Single]

Mayne continues to step up her game with a sweet freestyle-type song called Flow“. The song inspires and excites the audience to be proactive in the way that they allow their mood to be affected by the world around them. Without trying to overstate things, the song is a call to action that doesn’t tell you what to do, it tells you to do whatever is right for you. Mayne‘s delivery is as focused and fiery as ever – moving seamlessly between rhymes that are kinetically ambitious and choruses that are sung in a very warm and reaffirming tone. The message of Flowis that we each have the power to create and manipulate the circumstances of our lives and Mayne challenges us to recognize that power. 

After you give the track a few repeat plays, be sure to stream or download a copy of Mayne‘s most recent official release – the single No Glory– from any of the online music spots listed below. Also, make sure that you’re following her on all of the social links provided.


Stream & buy Mayne’s music on…
Amazon | Apple_Music | Bandcamp | Deezer | Spotify | Tidal | YouTube_Music )

Connect with Mayne on…
Facebook | Instagram | Official Site Soundcloud | Twitter | YouTube )

