Ashley Ave. – Thank God [Single + Video]

Singer Ashley Ave. is a promising new talent, one who’s creating inspired R&B that is both gutsy and tuneful. With the single Thank God“, Ashley belts out an amazing song that can hold its own against some of the strongest vocal performances of the past few years. The tune has something of a retro-soul quality to it that is bolstered by the raw vocal performance and the story that the singer tells. This track definitely brings to mind such modern-day blueshouse queens as Nicole Wray and Cocoa Sarai, but still carves out its own path on a crowded stage. It’s big, it’s bold, and beautifully theatrical – as if it has a “love gone wrong” movie set design in its notes and rhythms. You can show your support by streaming and/or buying “Thank God” from your favorite online music service below as well as by checking out more from Ashley Ave. when you connect with her online via the links listed.


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( Amazon | Apple_Music | Bandcamp | Deezer | Spotify | Tidal | YouTube_Music )

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