Marlon McClain – It’s a Gift (feat. Nathaniel Star) [Single]

Marlon McClain – It’s a Gift (feat. Nathaniel Star) [Single]

Marlon McClain is a breath of fresh air with his motivational piece, “It’s a Gift“. McClain is reminding us how beautiful life truly is by allowing us to hear his beautiful vocals. This artist can SANG sing and that’s always a plus. I love that this track has meaning and it surely helps that the music is heartfelt as well. It’s got that blues-funk sound and that’s something you don’t hear often in music these days. Despite that sound, the message is still clear and concise. I wholeheartedly understand that the message is the most important part of the song. It is because of that, that the music and the vocals didn’t overwhelm the lyrics, which happens a lot in music. McClain perfectly balanced everything out and still was able to have the message translate across the track. I can also sense that energy of his where he’s making sure we got the message. I also love his deep voice when he speaks because you will want to hear what he’s got to say. Especially since he actually speaks to us in the song. Don’t we all love a good mini monologue in music? I know I do. It’s not easy to make meaningful music with powerful messages and have people still want to listen. So I applaud McClain for making a track like “It’s A Gift” and still giving us something amazing to listen to.

You can show your support by streaming and/or buying the single from your favorite online music service below and by checking out more from Marlon McClain when you connect with him online via the links listed.


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