Sondrey – For My People (feat. Omar Noir) [Video]

This track was absolutely needed and I’m glad that it was created. Not only that, “For My People” is as captivating as it is motivational. With the collaboration of R&B artist Sondrey and hip-hop artist Omar Noir, this was an absolute declaration of making their marks. They are seen and they are heard profoundly in this track. The song is incredible. I do believe that this should be heard by the masses and not just because of the message. The message is great and needs to be heard as many times as possible.

With that being said, the track in itself is really enjoyable for any listener willing to hear it. I was even singing along and that’s always a good sign. Sadly, a lot of conscious music gets shoved under the rug and ignored. That shouldn’t be the case but, unfortunately, it happens. With this song, however, I think it would be a mistake for anyone to classify this track as “boring.” This was far from that and these guys deserve praise. Sondrey‘s voice gave way to the passion of the message as Noir‘s lyrics tied it all together with the power of his talent and the fury of the people. Collectively, this track, as well as the artists, deserves its flowers.

You can show your support by buying or streaming “For My People” from your favorite spot below as well as check out more from Sondrey by visiting the links listed.


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