Teena – Rainbows [Single]

Teena – Rainbows [Single]

Falling in love at first sight is a complicated game and there is no textbook that explains how the rules of this game work. The only way to figure out if a person is your match is by instinct. Love at first sight usually happens when you feel as if you’ve known each other for a long time, and everything seems to fall into place naturally. It’s as if there’s some force guiding both of your steps. That’s exactly the sort of vibe that you get from New York-based indie-pop singer-songwriter Teena by way of her new single Rainbows.

The song is an upbeat and bouncy tune with lyrics that follows Teena‘s account of all of the joyous feelings that wash over her after falling for a young woman at first sight. Explaining the track’s inspiration, Teena says ” ‘Rainbows’ is about gushing over someone you just met. Having a crush is so much fun! This song explores the feeling of that dopamine fix in a new flirtationship. I also really wanted to release this song for pride month. It’s groove and it’s exciting!”. The entire tune has a fun, 80’s-steeped, synth-pop energy to it that is absolutely infectious. Whenever Teena sings, there’s a sense of wonderment and cool excitement in her voice and she does a fantastic job of creating a very specific moment for her listeners. When it’s all said and done, “Rainbows” is incredibly fun to listen to and will even make the staunches wallflower want to dance along to its groove.

You can show your support by streaming and/or buying “Rainbows” from your favorite online music service below as well as by checking out more from Teena when you connect with her online via the links listed.


Stream & buy Teena’s music on…
( Amazon | Apple_Music | Bandcamp | Deezer | Spotify | Tidal | YouTube_Music )

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