Styliztik Jones  – Somewhere in the Valley [Single]

Styliztik Jones – Somewhere in the Valley [Single]

Styliztik Jones‘ “Somewhere in the Valley” is a hip-hop piece with a booming head-nod vibe, sharp lyrics, and fuzzed-out production from producer/beatmaker JEDI. The track begins with a buzzy guitar loop that ushers in the laid-back yet razor-sharp narrator. Jones is not just rapping about money, women, clothes, and so forth. Rather, he speaks with a kind of cocky flair that is entirely his own and celebrates his talents as an emcee. Like all bravado-filled, boom-bap tracks, “Somewhere in the Valley” is a bit of an ode to personal greatness, but one that feels rightfully deserved. It’s a great example of a well-delivered “braggin’ writes” hip-hop track with an enviable dose of attitude and personality.

“Somewhere in the Valley” is taken from Jones’ forthcoming No Pro Bono album. You can show your support by streaming and/or buying the single from your favorite online music service below as well as by checking out more from Styliztik Jones when you connect with him online via the links listed.


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