Talyana – Cloud In My Throat [Single]

Talyana – Cloud In My Throat [Single]

Talyana wears her heart on her sleeve in the single “Cloud In My Throat and it’s impossible not to feel some of what she’s feeling when she sings. The track is a tender ballad that reflects on handling depression and the toll it can take on a person. Our star offers up a beautiful and heartfelt examination of the struggle and the strength it takes to keep going. Talyana‘s voice is strong and clear, but also tender and vulnerable. And she delivers an incredible performance that ultimately leaves you feeling inspired. The track is a collaborative effort between Talyana and producer/arranger AyoJazz, who has handled production duties for Talyana on previous singles. In this instance, the two worked together to create a piece that is easy to connect with and offers a message of hope in spite of the lowness that depression can bring.

You can show your support by streaming and/or buying the single from your favorite online music service below as well as by checking out more from Talyana when you connect with her online via the links listed.


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