LoudChief & Samil – 5 Piece & A Biscuit: Everything On Everything [EP]

LoudChief & Samil – 5 Piece & A Biscuit: Everything On Everything [EP]

The 5 Piece & A Biscuit: Everything On Everything EP is a heavy-knocking set by emcee LoudChief and producer Samil that pays homage to the steely sound of street-level, straight-from-the-MPC hip hop while exploring new territory in the genre. LoudChief sounds like a seasoned veteran on the mic, with a cadence that sounds conversational and confrontational all at once. Meanwhile, Samil’s beats move from neck-snappin’ boom bap to sinister and spooky soundscapes that recall the finest moments from the brightly burning underground label Def Jux.

On this album, LoudChief and Samil are focused on the music, with no signs of gimmicks or distractions. It’s straight up-and-down hip hop that feels like it comes from the gut, not a marketing department. Standout cuts on the EP include “Risk Taker,” “Breath Easy,” and “Play Your Role.” And while it’s easy to say that there’s nothing revolutionary here, these are solid songs that don’t try to reinvent the wheel. From start to finish, the 5 Piece & A Biscuit: Everything On Everything EP is a solid rap album with enough hard-nosed appeal to find an audience in every generation.

Stream & buy LoudChief & Samil’s music on…
Amazon | Apple_Music | Bandcamp | Deezer | Spotify | Tidal | YouTube_Music )

Connect with LoudChief on…
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Connect with Samil on…
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