Raw Soul – No Turning Back (Minutes and Seconds) [Single]

Raw Soul – No Turning Back (Minutes and Seconds) [Single]

The single “No Turning Back (Minutes and Seconds)” is an engaging track that presents Raw Soul‘s gift of gab over a serenely sparse, piano-driven soundscape. The steady-going Vancity emcee delivers his serious-minded lyrics – which explore the challenges that come with pursuing his dreams in the music industry – with a sincerity that’s hard not to get swept up in. He keeps his demeanor relatively chill throughout the song yet still manages to convey a sense of urgency and importance with his no-breaks flow. The end result is both personal and relatable, touching on themes of self-doubt and perseverance with a candor that’s becoming rarer and rarer in a world that often values image over substance. Producer/arranger A13 Beats sets a mood of sober reflection for Soul to trade his words over by laying out a steady drum break and weighty keys.


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