Anonimuss Rose – Champions [Single]

Anonimuss Rose – Champions [Single]

Hailing from the heart of Kentucky, the land that has gifted the NBA with some of its most legendary talents, Anonimuss Rose steps up to the free throw line with her latest single, “Champions.” A self-proclaimed “neo-soul flower,” Rose nicely blends her spirit-stirring singing and triumphant rhymes in this electrifying anthem that’s an excellent addition to your “get amped/victory lap” playlist. The song’s stormy keyboard melodies and punchy drums, expertly produced by 13Five, create an atmosphere of tension and excitement to complement Anonimuss‘ confidently soaring vocals. This is the sort of track that serves as a reminder that, on the court and in life, there’s always a chance to turn it all around and pull off an unexpected win. Be sure to check out this stimulating single, designed to inspire listeners for the upcoming playoffs, and establish Anonimuss Rose as a talent to keep on your radar.


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