Zikai – Super 8 [Single + Video]

Swedish singer Zikai delivers a striking performance with her latest single “Super 8,” – a chic blend of contemporary soul and ethereal pop. The song’s smooth yet straight-talking mood is carried by Zikai‘s angelic voice, which adds a delicate touch to the overall listening experience.

The lyrics are about a woman’s desire to bring some clarity to her relationship but also establishes the importance of trust and setting boundaries. Lines like “Half isn’t good enough / Later isn’t good enough / When I want it I want it now” emphasize the urgency and determination in the young singer’s pursuit of a genuine connection. And the repetition of “Cause all that I need is somebody who knows how to love” reinforces the central theme of seeking a true and committed partner. Zikai‘s resolve to mend things with her partner is shines through, as she seeks someone who truly comprehends love and trust.

Drawing inspiration from a variety of musical styles, the song drives listeners into a dreamy, sundrenched world reminiscent of an 8mm film. The production is polished, and the track’s concise length guarantees it remains captivating from start to finish. “Super 8″ provides a sneak peek into Zikai‘s anticipated EP, where we can expect more candid, confessional-style tales that explore the depths of of love, heartbreak, and self-discovery.


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