Influenz – Taking Chances [Single + Video]

From the neon lights of Vegas to the historical streets of Bitburg, Germany, rapper Influenz is making a splash in the rap world with Taking Chances, a scorching number from his freshly pressed EP, Black Fire. This track serves as an unapologetic rundown of what it takes to gamble on yourself, push boundaries, and take life’s unpredictable chances. Every bar Inf drops spotlights the no-fear ambition that’s propelled his rise, all while marching to the beat of his own street theme.

This rumbling “get yours” anthem kicks off with lines that lay it all out: life’s a gamble, and you’ve got to be willing to roll the dice if you want to come out on top. So when our boy rhetorically asks what’s the right answer when you find yourself “against the world?…” of course his straight-no-chaser answer is “…Chance it!” His flow is both cocky and calculated, adding a life-tested edge to his lyrics. The West Coast influences in Influenz’ delivery are evident and clear as he enunciates his words with gusto.

At the start, the beat saunters in with shimmering strings and rippling keys, but after Influenz drops his intro the vibe shifts quickly. Heavy, trap-infused drums stomp their way to the stage, perfectly complementing his spit-it-clearly bars. It’s like a mirror to his life—equal parts beauty and brashness.

The hook, “Gotta get it on my own terms, taking chances/Hustle for the work every day, taking chances/ I don’t care what the odds are taking chances/ Up against the whole world now, taking chances” is the song’s heartbeat. It’s a call to arms for anyone feeling the pressure but still willing to push through. The phrase “taking chances” echoes throughout, making it clear that for Influenz, risk isn’t just a choice—it’s his lifestyle.




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