Gregory Hutchinson – Losing You (feat. Leona Berlin) [Single + Video]

The dreamy landscapes of soul and electronica have found a novel rhythm in Gregory Hutchinsons recent creation, “Losing You,” a standout track from his most recent album, Da Bang. This track, which has the jazzman teaming up with the versatile singer Leona Berlin, isn’t just your average song; it’s a tale, an atmosphere, a bittersweet emotion painted over a canvas of jazzy grooves and digital pulses.

Berlin’s voice, with its dynamic shifts from sultry, soft tones to power-packed notes, provides listeners with a moving journey through love’s complexities. Complimenting her, Hutchinson‘s drumming flows seamlessly, adding layers of depth and feeling to the story.

While the music is rich with bubbling bass notes, ethereal synth pads, and free-flowing piano keys, it’s the lyrics that leave a mark. They open with the challenges of holding onto a relationship and immediately draw you into an emotional vortex. The recurring lines, “I’m losing you,” underscore the song’s heartbeat, as they echo the pain of drift and disconnection.

Leona’s words touch on a range of emotions. The lines, “I’m feeling aroused…Walking on clouds,” hint at the highs of passion, while “Now that I’m free to see the truth” suggests a deeper awakening. This balance between bliss and realization creates a moving narrative, further enhanced by metaphoric gems, like when the stunning German beauty compares herself to “…a snake shedding its rigid skin.

But it’s not just about pain and growth. The song flits between the push-pull of mind and heart, between clinging on and setting oneself free. Its closure, with the words “I’m still holding on to something for you,” leaving a haunting echo as the song fades to black.

For fans of soul with an innovative twist, “Losing You” offers a refreshingly honest gaze into love, change, and self-discovery. Dive into Da Bang for a fuller immersion into Gregory Hutchinson‘s musical universe. It promises a journey well worth the trip.



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