Miki Rose x Marcus Makes Beats – Beautiful [Single]

In “Beautiful,” a track from their yet-to-be-released collection of work, Miki Rose and Marcus Makes Beats (MMB) mix contemporary R&B with nuanced neo-soul in a manner that feels natural and unforced. It sidesteps the usual genre overkill, opting for a simpler, more honest sound. Miki Rose‘s voice, husky and rich, conveys the weight of the lyrics with a kind of gentle resistance, urging the listener to understand the depth of “This world don’t deserve you.

Marcus Makes Beats, her brother and the track’s producer, assembles a beat that harmonizes with understated intricacy. The warmth of the thick, plush kick and the reverberating snare, sounding almost like distant gunshots, establish a foundation that’s both solid and ethereal. The electric piano melody, retriggered and chopped, moves through this background, creating an environment that’s both calming and contemplative.

As Miki sings “You’re beautiful/ So beautiful/ Inside and out you’re…/ You’re just so damn beautiful” there’s a closeness in her delivery, a feeling of personal insight shared. This song is a dialogue, albeit one-sided, where the music acts as much as a confidant as a medium. The song moves seamlessly, giving off a vibe of one long, uninterrupted idea rather than a disjointed tune.

Miki Rose and MMB have presented a song that doesn’t just fit comfortably within the boundaries of contemporary R&B; it questions and reimagines them. “Beautiful” is a reminder that sometimes, the most meaningful statements are the simplest ones. It’s all about the power of straightforwardness, the magic of a right note, a spot-on beat, and a voice that goes beyond singing.




Connect with Miki Rose via the links listed:
( Bandcamp | Facebook | Instagram | Official_Site | Soundcloud | Spotify | TikTok | Twitter | YouTube )


Connect with Marcus Makes Beats via the links listed:
( Bandcamp | Facebook | Instagram | Official_Site | Soundcloud | Spotify | TikTok | Twitter | YouTube )

