Guilty Simpson x Luther Ford – Again [Single]

Guilty Simpson x Luther Ford – Again [Single]

Guilty Simpsons track “Again,” cleanly pieced together by beatmaker Luther Ford, leans into the mindset of life in every hood in every city, where dreams can be born and buried in the same breath. It’s a raw, uncut look at the grind, where every day is a mirror reflecting back the struggle, the hustle, and the sheer will to keep pushing through.

Guilty‘s words speak volumes – each one carrying the weight of tons as they reach your ear. His voice, a mix of gravel and resolve, carries hood tales of losses and wins and reminds us that the true measure of getting over isn’t found in what you’ve gained, but in what you’ve overcome. The lyrics “Last year they had a raw battle/ Shit got deep I learned to dog paddle/ Some would snitch and send the law at you/ Fuck two-hand touch they’re playing tackle,” come across las a cold slap from reality.

The beat is stark and sparse, but in spite of that, it feels like it’s brimming with street stories untold. It sets the stage for Simpson‘s story to play out and draw us into a world where loyalty and the ability to endure hold more weight than wealth. 

At the end of the day, “Again” is about the cycle of life in places where dreams are both made and deferred, where every dawn brings a chance to rewrite your story. And through Luther Ford’s nuanced production and Simpson‘s true-life storytelling, we’re witnessing a slice of life, unfiltered.




Connect with Guilty Simpson via the links listed:

( Bandcamp | Facebook | Instagram | Official_Site | Soundcloud | Spotify | TikTok | Twitter | YouTube )


Connect with Luther Ford via the links listed:

( Bandcamp | Facebook | Instagram | Official_Site | Soundcloud | Spotify | TikTok | Twitter | YouTube )

