Keaira LaShae- Real One [Video]

New visuals from singer Keaira LaShae with the release of the video for Real One – a stirring number that gets a tense visual workup from Keaira herself and is taken from the young singer’s Purple Crowns EP . You can show your support by purchasing the single or album from your favorite spot below as well as check out more from Ms LaShae by visiting the links listed.

“I was trying to figure out the right time to put this video out because it’s such a heavy subject. Especially in the black community. Abuse is not an easy thing to talk about. No matter what type of abuse it is. Whether it’s sexual, mental, physical or emotional.. I wanted to shed light on this because it’s something that people are ashamed to discuss, particularly black women because for some reason, people always find a way to BLAME us. I created this visual to hopefully inspire women to be STRONG and LEAVE the situation. I know it’s easier said than done but I wanted to at least try.  To the girls/women in a horrible abusive situation, I pray that you get the strength and help that you need to GET OUT‼️????????????????????????????????????????????????” – Keaira

vibes – sobering, somber, gripping, pained, unsettling, motivational, inspiring, encouraging, topical, thought provoking,


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