Tim Gent – Franklins [Single]

New music from Tim Gent by means of the free-to-you single “Franklins” – a down-south-bounce soaked offering that outlines the ambition and drive that fuels his day-to-day hustle. Wholly charismatic in its attitude, this coolheaded, go-getter anthem doesn’t beat you over the head with over the top bragging. Instead, Tim remains cool and collected in a way that would make Camp Lo raise glasses of Cognac in approval. Dope work from Tim Gent and the WonderTwins production team.

After you give the track a few repeat plays, be sure to stream or download a copy of Gent‘s most recent official release – the 8-song EP In Every Fall – from any of the online music spots listed below. Also, make sure that you’re following him on all of the social links provided.

“HARDDDDDD KID??” – nativ3_qualo via Instagram

vibes – clubby, bouncy, get money, trap shit, hustle hard, ambitious, driven, aspiring, self made, hungry, no days off, think big, sauce, cocky, boss mode


Stream & buy Tim Gent’s music on…
Amazon | BandcampiTunes | Spotify | Tidal )


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Facebook | Instagram | Official Site | Soundcloud | Twitter | YouTube )








