Conrad Jon – Shower Sex [Single]

Conrad Jon – Shower Sex [Single]

There’s not much I can say about this track Shower Sex. In most cases that would be a bad thing but in this case, it is not! Conscious rap artist Conrad Jon was straight to the point. That’s what I liked about the song. I loved the storytelling. It made the track very relatable, even if you haven’t experienced it yourself personally. It’s a great feat when artists can make relatable music about everyday life and STILL be able to make the track enjoyable.

Jon‘s wordplay is really dope! There weren’t many punchlines and that’s what I loved about it! Don’t get me wrong; who doesn’t love a good punchline? However,  A lot of rap artists tend to oversaturate with punchline after punchline and sometimes that tends to take away from the actual theme of the song. Jon remained in the theme and kept to the story while also keeping us engaged in the music. Now that’s talent! I expect to be hearing more from this artist in the near future.

You can show your support by streaming and/or buying “Shower Sex” from your favorite online music service below as well as by checking out more from Conrad Jon when you connect with him online via the links listed.


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