MOREA – Set Me Free [Single]

MOREA – Set Me Free [Single]

It is common for people to turn out fine after a difficult relationship, and go on to have a happy life. On the other hand, some may find themselves continually drawn back into the same situation where, in the past, they saw so much wrong. On the brand new single Set Me Free, Berlin-based singer MOREA delivers quite the vulnerable performance as she sings about longing for freedom and release after a difficult relationship. Her angelic soprano, accompanied by a lilting guitar and shuffling drums, creates a listening experience that is calming and introspective.

This soulful song is easygoing while maintaining a serious tone about the very human need for independence. Her restrained vocals and the cozily strumming acoustic guitar make her message resonate through every note she hits. At times, her voice is reminiscent of Goapele‘s – sultry and sweet with an inviting quality. Overall, I believe that “Set Me Free” is a tender, heartwarming track that draws listeners in as it explores themes of love and liberation.

You can show your support by streaming and/or buying the “Set Me Free” single from your favorite online music service below as well as by checking out more from MOREA when you connect with her online via the links listed.


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