Connor Terrones – Drown [Single]

Connor Terrones – Drown [Single]

If we had a music God, I’d definitely be blessed with this song! “Drown” by artist Connor Terrones gives you a small dose of everything with this track. The tempo switch-ups only added to the genius of this modern masterpiece. It offers electro-pop, funk, r&b, and soul elements to the MAX! This musical number takes you on a whirlwind of sound and it displays nothing short of lots of versatility. This is something you don’t get to experience often with music. You don’t just listen to this track.

“Drown” is literally its own spiritual experience and you get to thoroughly feel the presence of it when you hear it. Musically, it has its own power. Music as a whole can make you feel in so many ways but this song, ALONE, can do that. This is a song you can either dance to or chill to. The guitar solo is an amazing addition to the track and I can’t get over the arrangement of the synth notes. I felt like I was in the middle of a Super Mario Bros game and that only made me love it even more. Let’s not forget Terrones’ voice, which is so ethereal and really glides over the melodies of the song.

You can show your support by streaming and/or buying “Drown” from your favorite online music service below as well as by checking out more from Connor Terrones when you connect with him online via the links listed.


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( Amazon | Apple_Music | Bandcamp | Deezer | Spotify | Tidal | YouTube_Music )

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( Facebook | Instagram | Official_Site | Soundcloud | Twitter | YouTube )

