Will Evans – Old Soul [Single + Video]

Will Evans and Chali 2na have teamed up to create “Old Soul, a track that combines old-school hip-hop with rootsy rock. It’s an energetic fusion that’ll have you swaying along as you listen. Will Evans, a artist from Rhode Island who is known for his acoustic sound, and Chali 2na, a celebrated hip-hop veteran, have collaborated to create a cut with a nostalgic yet upbeat energy that is sure to please fans of both genres. The song’s lyrics celebrate music’s ability to bring people together and create a sense of community and the chorus, which goes “So won’t you hit me like that old soul/The kind that makes you move your feet/Won’t you hit me like that old soul/ I got a smile for everyone I meet,” encourages listeners to be open-minded and approach others with a sense of positivity. This is a fusion of genres, blending acoustic guitar, electronic beats, and Chali 2na’s signature baritone flow to create a sound that is timeless. For those seeking music that uplifts the soul and unites listeners with a common message of hope and positivity, “Old Soul” – as well as Will‘s recently released After The Burnt Out Sun – is a must-hear.


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