City Cinema – Time’s On My Side [Single]

City Cinema – Time’s On My Side [Single]

Time’s On My Side” is the latest single from City Cinema, a band that brings together a unique mingling of live hip-hop and indie rock. Bringing together four artists with varying musical expertise – which includes rapper Jabee and singer Brandon Birdwell – their combined talents generate a track that’s confrontational, intense, and cerebral. Probing the ways in which time’s relentless march shapes our lives, the song’s lyrics artfully tackle themes of healing, deception, and the personal stories that define us.

The vivid imagery in the lyrics, combined with Brandon‘s passionate and Jabee‘s sober vocal tones, create an angsty yet thought-provoking atmosphere for fans to dive into. City Cinema’s rock-leaning sound sets the stage for an eclectic hip-hop number, while the song’s structure ebbs and flows between rap verses and edgy melodies. The band’s collaboration as artists is evident in the genuine way they blend their diverse musical influences into one cohesive sound. With its mosaic fusion of styles and reflective tone, “Time’s On My Side” is an essential listen for those with an appetite for rock-tinged hip hop music.


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