Zachary Durham – Leftover Love (feat. Ronnie Brown) [Single]

Zachary Durham – Leftover Love (feat. Ronnie Brown) [Single]

Put together by the talented Zachary Durham and the Queens-based emcee, Ronnie Brown, “Leftover Love” is an exploration of a love that isn’t quite extinguished. Through the drifting blend of reverb-drenched guitars and soft, shuffling drums, this bittersweet song tells a story of longing and regret mixed with a touch of denial. In a blend of emotions and openness, this impressive number sketches a picture of the feelings that smolder in the remnants of past loves long after the fire dies out. It’s no surprise that at its heart, “Leftover Love” is about the struggle of letting go. As the lyrics iterate, “I been trying hard to let you go, but my heart just won’t cooperate,” we get a sense of Zach‘s internal battle — wanting to push ahead, yet tripping over those moments that bring his ex back into focus.

As the song progresses, Ronnie Brown enters, injecting his straightforward rhymes and lines into the mix. We see a shift from reflective contemplation to a more direct acknowledgment of past actions in love. Brown‘s bars carve a road of responsibility for his past missteps in love, bearing the weight of the aftershocks still rippling through his world.

From start to finish, this song lays bare a candid heart-to-heart with oneself around the thorny wilderness of relationships and of lingering love. It’s a reflection of the human tendency to stubbornly clutch onto yesterday. The lyrics bleed longing for days gone by, dragging listeners in to share the journey of letting go of this “Leftover Love“.


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