Norman Sann – M.E.L.O.D. [Single]

Norman Sann – M.E.L.O.D. [Single]

Norman Sann‘s track “M.E.L.O.D.“, produced by FlyFX, isn’t your typical run-of-the-mill joint. It’s pure solace, energy, and elevation that’s laced with the mellowed kick of a double bourbon neat. The atmosphere of this track goes against the grain, refusing to stay within well-trodden paths in today’s rap arena and calling to mind the fluid rhythm of spoken word poetry. Dynamic and chromatic, Sann‘s vocals oscillate between tones and styles, taking you on a round trip of a rich dialogue.

The beat carries its weight too. A tight drum track with a full-bodied kick drum and a snapping snare lays a strong rhythmic foundation that backs up Norman‘s eclectic verses. It’s beats like these that act like a spark to attentive and inventive emcees and drive them to amp up their rhyme game.

Each verse from Sann swings like a pendulum, showing us the magic that music can brew, stirring emotions, and flipping our mood around. He gives a nod to big guns like Kem, Sade, Maxwell, and India.Arie, acknowledging how their game-changing melodies played muse to his own creative escapes. As the song unravels, Norman plays with words and metaphors like a beat poet – Lines like “Lightheaded now/ I think I held that note too long/ Long. Flow sate. I was in the zone/ Zone. I ain’t talking about Auto/ Pilot. Rocket. Hollow for Hobbit” show how Sann plays around with wit and rhyme, grabbing your attention while keeping flow close to being a playful stream-of-consciousness.

M.E.L.O.D.” also turns a cool side-eye towards the grimy side of the music industry, boldly calling out its inequalities and its knack for underestimating up-and-comers. His lines are vivid and colorfully sketched, making us ride the Sann‘s waves of thought and even dip our toes into something of a reflective mood.

In the grand scheme of things, “M.E.L.O.D.” is Sann‘s homage to the almighty power of music, an acknowledgment of the inspiration seeping through melodies. Work this track into your playlists and keep tabs on Norman Sann as he continues to create. Press Tab


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