Wildcard – Western Promises [Video]

After dropping his recent album, Western Promises, (which we talk about HERE) Wildcard isn’t letting up. He’s back to shake the scene with his self-directed video for the title track. Teaming up with Gnarlos Wright behind the lens, his visuals serve a chilling narrative set in a plush West Coast pad where personal and business connections take a fatal turn. While the storyline unfolds, Wildcard lays down rhymes and lines that grapple with life’s heaviness – touching on everything from death and prison to personal relationships and addiction. The beat, courtesy of Johnny Slash, comes through with a volatile mix of rock guitar wails — courtesy of Wildcard’s dad, Ric “Pops” Andradeand drum thumps that ratchet up the song’s intensity. Hit play and let the sights and sounds flood your senses.

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