Leiah B. – blow [Single + Video]

Leiah B.’s “blow,” released into the world just a season ago, connects the dots between a beautifully mournful mix of emotions and music, inviting us into her world of change and growth. With her Motor City roots, Leiah channels her experiences into a song that’s all about stepping into your own light and shaking off what no longer fits. She pulls back to find her true tribe, taking on the shadows lurking inside, as she sings about shrinking her inner demons and leaving behind the chaos that no longer matches her rhythm.

Listening to her spill “Turning to the moon because it keeps me alive/Pulling to the surface what’s been hiding inside,” feels like seeing her reaching up to that glow in the sky, trying to draw a little strength from that lunar energy. It’s poetic as she reveals her true self, shadows and all, as if letting us know that she is also made up of every sliver of light in between.

The video, directed by A.J. Nichols, pairs perfectly with the song’s vibe, oscillating between quitely somber moments alone and raw, unguarded moments of smoking and drinking away the pain. And the arrangement, marked by some raindrop ivories and  trunk-rattling bass notes, lays out Leiah‘s heart in a way that lets us know that she put nothing less than her whole soul into this one. 

blow” wraps you up in Leiah B.‘s world, where her voice does more than just sing; it takes you through her story of getting real with herself and shaking off yesterday.  And we get to tag along as she finds peace in the solo journey and the strength that comes from facing what’s inside, head-on.



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