Isabel Harouny – The One [Single + Video]

Isabel Harouny – The One [Single + Video]

Isabel Harouny‘s “” is a neon-tinged flashback that practically begs for a montage from a sugarcoated rom-com—like Mannequin (and yes, I unironically love it and I don’t want to argue about it so save your shade). The well put together production is slick enough, shining with that familiar synth sheen that captures the era’s essence and adds a glossy finish that makes it feel fresh again.

Underneath the sparkly synths and punchy drums there’s a really reflective soul at work. Isabel slowly pulls apart the tangled knots of heartache that come from losing someone – whether it’s quick and blinding like a flash fire or the gradual slipping away of someone who used to feel like home. Her delivery carries this steady warmth, even if it sometimes skims a little too close to sounding like she’s a little less than inspired. And while the lyrics might tread on some well-worn paths, inching toward the sentimental, there’s a kind of comfort in that—the sort of plain-spoken honesty that doesn’t always need to be groundbreaking to resonate.

Maybe this is a piece that would feel more at home in the background of a moody film scene—the kind where the lead, deep in thought, stares out a rain-streaked window contemplating life’s cruelties. But credit where it’s due: Isabel does manage to pull off some emotional heavy lifting, serving up a dreamy slice of pop that the radio and playlists will eat up. And sometimes, that’s exactly what we’re here for.


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