C-STEEZEE – Memory Lane [Single]

C-STEEZEE – Memory Lane [Single]

As we remember the people and places from our past, we typically try not to vividly recall every detail of these memories. Often we are happy to simply feel them. We let these hazy memories wash over us, run their course, and dissolve into the present. That’s the effect that I felt while listening to C-STEEZEE‘s new track Memory Lane– a hazy wash of memories from my past. STEEZEE‘s delivery here is at once personal and poignant. He comes across as humble and sincere as he recalls the ups and downs of his life while sidestepping any details that would make it too personal for listeners to relate to. He neither glorifies nor condemns the things he has done in his pursuit of money and success. Instead, his tone exudes heartfelt honesty and a deep reverence for the fact that his past has made him the man he is today.

C also takes us on a trip down hip-hop’s memory lane as he quotes a milk crate full of rap classics throughout this cut – citing everyone fromThe Fugees and Talib Kweli to Bone Thugs and The Lost Boyz. “Memory Lane” is definitely worth a download and several listens because, above all else, it’s relatable to just about every hip-hop fan.

You can show your support by streaming and/or buying the single from your favorite online music service below and by checking out more from C-STEEZEE when you connect with him online via the links listed.


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