Riot Jazz Brass Band – Break and Mender [Single + Video]

The Riot Jazz Brass Band is a group of talented musicians who have gained a reputation for their energetic and lively performances. Today they release their latest single, “Break and Mender“, which is sure to leave audiences amped up and out of breath. The single is a perfect representation of the band’s style, bringing together elements of jazz, funk, and hip-hop to create a high-energy and unforgettable sound. The trombone riff that forms the backbone of the song is both fierce and infectious, and it’s impossible to keep your shoulders from swaying to the rhythm. This adrenaline rush of a song is the final single to be released from the band’s upcoming album, Riot Jazz Makes People Happy – which hits streaming services on April 14th. Speaking of the track, the band state, “Chunky’s simple vocal hook, the powerful kick drum pattern and the off-key harmonies in the horns all add to the general sense of mayhem.” And they’re right. This cut is chaotic and frenetic, but it’s also incredibly catchy and fun. It’s hard to not find yourself getting caught up in the excitement of it all.



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